The editors of the journal RZECZOZNAWCA / ENGINEERING EXPERT accept for publication only original papers, not previously published in other journals or materials from scientific conferences, congresses, symposia.
The works are published in Polish and English. Each article has an individual DOI number (assigned to the English version).
In accordance with the Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, the journal RZECZOZNAWCA / ENGINEERING EXPERT received 20 points.
Sending a work to the editorial office is considered to be tantamount to the statement of the Author(s) that this condition is met. If the publication is accepted for printing, the Author(s) sign an agreement (author’s or license) with the Publishing House on the exclusive transfer of the copyright to use the work (below in the Guidelines for the Author(s) there is a Statement on the transfer of works in the interactive version of the .pdf). The Publisher now has the right to use, dispose of and reproduce the work by any technique, including electronic, and distribute it through any distribution channels.
The author(s) of materials submitted for publication in the journal are responsible for compliance with copyright law – both the content of the work and the illustrations or combinations used in it should constitute the Author’s own achievements or must be described in accordance with the principles of citation, referring to the source of the quotation (literature).
In the case of Co-authors (when the work has more than one Author) it is necessary to supplement the Co-author’s Statement (below in the Guidelines for the Author(s) there is a Co-author’s Statement in the interactive version of the .pdf)
The submitted article should be originally prepared in Polish in accordance with the editorial requirements (below in the Guidelines for the Author(s) there are Editorial Requirements in the version of an editable .doc). Complex text goes through a review process. In the case of acceptance or acceptance after applying comments – please send the final version of the article prepared in Polish and English in accordance with the editorial requirements.
Papers should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief – e-mail address:,
Articles are peer-reviewed by academics.
Guidelines for the Author(s):
Editorial requirements (editable .doc)
Statement of transfer of rights (interactive .pdf)
Co-author’s statement (interactive .pdf)
Please also read the “For reviewers”.